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Created 19-Mar-11
Modified 10-Feb-21
Visitors 148
58 photos
My Photographs from 2003 - 2008 including photos from Fort William, Mallaig, Boness and Keighley and Worth Valley Railway

Categories & Keywords
Subcategory Detail:

37427 +37411 at Fort William08720 and 37430 at Motherwell Depot37430 and 37424 at Motherwell311103 at Summerlee311103 at Summerlee311103 at Summerlee311103 at Summerlee47826 at Fort William156476 at Mallaig47851's nameplate47851 at Mallaig156474 at Fort WilliamRail bus at Hawworth ShedsBritish Rail Liveried 30777 at HawworthNo 85 at Hawworth80002 at HawworthLancaster and Yorkshire 957 at Hawworth80002 and 87 at Hawworth80002 at Hawworth